Sunday, February 27, 2022

Our journey

 From out of the dark. Looking for the starlight. I did reach out so eagerly wanting to be free. I saw a pebble of a light so shinny so blue. It looked so warm that it pulled my energy my very essence in. I found myself falling down upon a cloud I did lay. Surfing upon the wind I wanted to stay. This was my sin. I looked over the side tumble and rolled I looked over the side and there I did flow. Then I knew then I remembered . That I had traveled here so long ago. That scary trip through long dark tunnel then a bright light here it comes SLAP! By a man in a mask and all was forgotten I remember at last I cried I shouted. The Pain! The memories Love, Joy, Hate, Anger then Loss of love. I twisted and turned on this cloud pillow. Over the edge I went. Tumble bumble spinning screaming so loudly I turned my emotions into rain! Tear drops of memories I was caught by a very large ancient tree. She was so happy to hold me then I bounced gently down upon leaf  to leaf. Gently dripping down upon the ground so many tears was I flowing down the mountain these tears of Joy, love flowed I made pools of love, Ponds and Great Lakes. Onward I flowed through great forests of old through serene meadows atop gold. Through deserts and and a great savana full of buffalo. More mountains more forests then out to sea always giving love for all to see . Always sharing never taking that’s me. Then a great hand reached down and gently picked me up up again through them puffy white clouds skating on the wind back to starlight were we all begin 

Jameson Rising  2/27/2022

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

I will be back

 Hello folks it has been many years since I have been in here but I will be back soon

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Mind running wild

     So many years searching in vain. Mind gone numb from the pain. I feel it no more.
Great Mystery I finally understand. The tricksters come and go causing pain and woah great sorrow cuts so ever deep. Shunned for my past secrets I must keep. Half breed as I am the rest a mixture of European races. My Native American roots run deep and hold strong. My family long gone the Spirit has taken so many of my family our people back. Yet my mind still runs wild staying a head of this game. It’s coming full circle you know. I found my strength again. My time is short our time is little pollution resources being used up with no regret. A sad time comes Mother Earth will sleep then awaken anew. As for us me and you we will be finished and threw. We didn’t listen! We didn’t learn.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lonely place this world

Hello folks loneliness in this crowded world how can this be. I  found myself in that bottomless pit Found myself  with one fractured leg with two torn ligaments and the other leg with one torn ligament ouch couldn't walk on my own for at least ten weeks' Yes life sucked for old Jamerson Everyone wouldn't help almost lost my home my job friends disappeared  real fast. But I found a few new ones around me that I never noticed. Look around you who is real who is not. Well enough boo hoo ing I got back up bought my place thanks for being a miser all my life went back to work lost 35 pounds and still losing more every day. The sun is shinning once again so I thought. Seems the only real friendly people are the ones who would like to have a hand in your pocket. Like a famous comedian once said (Tell me if I lie.)  Hee Time to get in the old Merkaba and ride haha I'm serious really see its a way of meditating picture yourself inside a triangle and another triangle around you also but upside down now picture them both spinning two different directions at the same time.  Good yes I know I'm cracked  now listen run an imaginary cord from your heart chakra to your third eye and let the love flow. See the trick is raising your vibration from the lower chakras use your heart to forgive every bad thing that has happened to you in this life it hurts like hell I know but listen it is not real it is yourself fighting with the ego to not merge back with yourself. Mankind has twisted this one simple truth we are never alone we are creators very powerful ones indeed we are one with every thing but this loniliness is just a illusion of being separated from God the Great Spirit when you fight others you fight yourself. Like I told my six year old grand daughter one morning she is a little drama queen at times hee she was having a bad morning so I said use your happy powers hee she gave me a funny look crazy old grand pa any way never triy to reason with a little one but some times they listen I went on to tell her you never see me upset and I usually always have money. See little Guilianna I'm smarter I know how to use my happy powers and not let what other people ruin my day.  Because i'm smarter then that I laughed when she smiled and laughed  
 She went through the rest of the morning with that silly grin. Ok knock it off that's enough haha of course I didn't say that. Learn to be the master of your emotions your  happiness. and things will come your way in the most profound ways that you can imagine. But you have to work at it hers only lasted for a day hee. Thats kids for ya Well now look at the time you see folks try changing your world from the inside out trust me on this. Have a great day wishing you all well  Your friend Jamerson Rising

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Hello folks long time no see this  Indian is getting old having trouble walking Like my friend from the the Dakotas used to say and I quote I aint scared I was talking to another friend of mine who at times is a little too serious. Hee you know the types Well they always try to get me to talk about aliens hee if they only knew. Then from out of the blue he asked me about the rapture and the people that were to be taken before the end and how some people believed it to happen years ago I don't have the dates handy forgive me it's the middle of the night up here in the Rockies. Oh let the games begin with a little bit of truth I said that already happened he looked at me puzzled what I said yea remember them phoenix lights a few years back hee he said know whats that I said an alien ship crossed over the city and a lot of people seen it he said noway I said yes way look it up on the internet so he did and I watched his eyes get real big and a tint of fear in them. I decided then and there to have some fun I'm kinda crazy like that I told him what do you think was on that ship that was so big and that's one of the smaller ones mind you. He said I don't know what. I said people this was one of many trips to take the worthy souls off this planet and all you people who in your arrogance thought you would be the the ones to go ha. You see this dimension shifted into a fifth dimension we didn't even feel it those that are spiritually dead didn't. We that are left will help the others transition to a new earth or move on to the new earth this has never been done before he was like wow. Yea I know I'm just a crazy old man now. I didn.t tell him this but I had what I call the shinning people visit me before and lose of time heck one time I ended up back home in theses Rockies when I was in Texas talk about a wish come true and the FBI found me some time later and told me to keep my mouth shut about it Well getting old don.t care any more. Been through so many lifetimes I look forward to the change and the next journey up the vibration ladder we all must climb to get out of the pit hee sorry dimension. I was in northern Germany One cold winter on patrol and I saw a little man looking at me looked like a gnome I heard in my head there he is like I heard the trees do at me so many times when out walking and I pass by them crazy huh. This world has many wonders people think they are it when this vast universe holds so many secrets. I aint scared I will die with a smile knowing I will be free when I go and I will go back home An angel took me there once a very beautiful place and my people will come out to greet me like they do at times we are not alone don't worry you won't die alone. Just the evil people should worry when the time comes so be good be happy and full of life and you will be all right this is just and experience your here to help people if you forget this to the greed and evil then you are lost please keep this in mind when you want to be rude or cruel smile and make someone lough instead its a much easier road back then you think.   Well time to go rest now I said enough good to see you all again. You will be all right keep the faith Follow Jesus way if you must thats a good way I know I know him and I will leave that at that. Safe journey Jamerson Rising           

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Birds in the night

Hello people I wish you all good health and happiness I have been working so much lately now that I am walking again. I work in the night time and it gets very cold at times garage doors always opening and closing all night long. The birds these little sparrows have lived in this building since it was built they some times are even up at night. creepy on good Friday not a peep out of them like they all disappeared  for the day and night. Well there I was wondering if the the Great Spirit of us all was still strong with me for with being so busy I have gotten away from my walks in the park seeing old trees that I know even the owl that used to come around I haven't seen for awhile or the bat that flew into my face one night he was trying to fly above the buses that were parked in their long rows  and looked like some on trying to open an umbrella. Strange sight anyway back to wondering if my closeness to the almighty was slipping when the birds started squacking at me like I know better so I whistled back like I do when they chirp at me. When suddenly two of my little friends came flying straight down and about a foot from the ground turned upwards and straight at me in perfect unison they flew close to a foot over my shoulders one one each side of my head I could feel the air from their little wings on the sides of my head as they passed me chirpping at me to wake up then that strange feeling of emotion and love came flowing thru me like it has done in the past when I feel really connected to the Great Spirit I yelled out yee hoo as my little bird friends did a circle and perched ahead of me and straight up about ahundred feet above and a few feet straight above me singing away and nodding their little heads at me. I laughed still feeling the glow of spirit and said I know and I did you see there is a force in this world of pure love this life force where we are one with everything  and my little friends where reassuring me not to worry in fact the whole place started singing. there is alot of birds in there I smiled as the sun stared coming up and said a short prayer of thanks and forgive my weakened faith I hear ya Friends never let go the evil men of this world are at it again but the day of reckoning is coming so reach out and stay with the good of this world Jamerson Rising.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh this puzzle

Life is a puzzle. I have been out of work with a leg injury my right knee. Well I'm lots better now. I was trying to figure out how to pay more bills on next to nothing no work no paycheck hee. How fragile this little system of living from paycheck to paycheck can really be! So there I was laying there looking at my end table by my bed there was my rubiks cube which I can do one of those in about 5 minutes. So I picked it up and started twisting the cube this way and that and this was going so slow. I thought maybe I had to much on my mind I thought again well maybe I should meditate and clear my head a bit but I didn't feel like sitting there all empty headed hee no I started this little problem and I mean to fix it and fix it now! So I just went with what I felt was right and there it was all done in 5 minutes. Just like life. I do the top edge first then the middle and then the very bottom edge. How is that like life one might ask. I know I'm nuts but there is an order to the chaos called life. First one must find shelter then food and warmth then transportation. the basic's If your lucky enough to have a job the basics Rent food utility's and transportation you have to get to work you know. Even if it means walking well for awhile there I could only hop hee I was a hoping fool. Days long gone I was homeless yes but I stuck to the basic's and that eventually manifested in many different forms to where I am now starting over just trying to figure rent out. Lucky I had disability insurance but that didn't cover all some vacation time but I owed so much when that hits the bank about half that will be gone at least I still have my job . Well this was a close one being a miser I would almost die before I crack open me lucky pot of gold me lucky charms eh haha. I know not funny. A little patience a landlord with a frowny face hee ah just for a few days I'm the one going to be paying alittle more. Oiy but I did while I was temporary unable to work come up with lots of idea's to cut corners. But folks them little basics are a must the answer's are there and if worse came to worse there are people in this world who can't walk heaven forbid who actually find ways to work and survive. Whats sad is this world produces plenty for every one on a global scale to cloth feed and provide a home home!!! But oh no we have wars and depressions the money spent on the wars alone could of sheltered clothed and fed the entire world but greed and a lack of caring for our fellow man and woman and children keeps us in the dark ages. One saying I heard (this sh...t has got to go!!!!!!) I heard that on a movie (fietgeist) Survival think basics and find away its there in many forms. I wish you all the best of luck hang in there Jamerson Rising