Friday, September 7, 2007
Wow dreams what story teller passes these out I keep a dream journal from my personnal experience this has helped me in many ways sometime a answer to my questions come in two are three dreams. Things come in threes ever hear that saying. Seems to be true. Some dreams are funny, sad, dark and mysterious scary but they all have meaning. puns, metaphores this dream weaver has a sense of humor. at our expense sometimes. Be careful I write them down and get a good dream book for I can't remember all them meanings but if certain symbols have a meaning to you then they will use this to comunicate to you. Don't be scared or troubled dreams have been coming to use before mankind could even talk. I listen to the bright colorful light dreams and I'm also very wary of dark dull dreams user beware you can tell by how you feel when you first wake up from a dream don't be deceived by the dark for the dark is unable to use the light for evil. So if you have a dark dream be careful with it. Ask for guidence ask your angels. If you don't beleave then leave it alone it is a waste of time for angels want to help people and they will still try if its important enough I have been filled with pictures of the future lately which has been draining me. My friends think I have been sick but I have been trying to hold the evil in the world back like many others like me hard to explain call me wacko sckitso whatever suits you yet I still try to be at peace in this trying world. Use your dreams for good and you will start having more spiritual beautiful dreams that will just blow you away with the bright colors and themes. I have a favorite dream where I fly about a foot of the ground like ice skating I remote view so I can go very far be careful with this. I don't advise opening your mind up to the future for it takes a strong mind to see things knowing when people are going to die when bad things are going to happen will try ones spirit. Be at peace let it go. Peace friends Jamerson Rising