Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Yes folks I'm going to borrow this saying please forgive me we are beings of energy and awareness. this energy which makes up matter vibrating at different frequencies has trapped our awareness some how using our spirit for their energy the matrix thing there he goes again heh. Prove me right prove me wrong no easy task huh even in nature the program is geared for violence. folks peace is the key its the way out of here forgive thy neighbor forgive thy neighbor remember that saying. He was right he was telling you the way out. I know my belief in the great spirit may seem at odds with christians but I know truth when I hear it my friends and this was a whopper heh the big mac super size it heh yes this was pretty heavy you are awarness and eternal you will never die your just stuck here like all the rest of us have faith and forgive thy neighbor and you will go free simple as that peace my friends Jamerson-Rising