Friday, August 24, 2007


This is a scary subject we are surrounded by terror they are very close to doing something we have been looking in the wrong places chasing the carrot dangled by a stick we need to focus on the real leadership not the one we have been chasing. Enough said on that now the sun is going thru another cycle it is going to get very hot almost half the earth will burn up almost half will drownd with the rising water. the earth will shake the air will be hard to breath when yellowstone will blow up I see a fire ball hit this world this world will changing very much in the next decade not even that long so terror is very important but not the worst that is going to happen though it will be very bad in itself the terrorists themselves will run for their lives at the calamities that will befall this world so much hate building up. Yes people of this world we are going though this once again I was going to leave but I will stick around and be with my loved ones hold them close and do what I can even though in my mind this isn't real though it hurts like hell forgivness is the only way out of this reaccuring dream. Let the hate go. Be at peace merge back with the light when your time comes because here we go again for those of you who can't remember the last times this has happened most every body can't remember for me just bits and pieces but my mind is filled with flashes of the future Iv'e been that way since I was little so beware get right with your maker for there is only one creator with many names last chance in this age good luck peace my friends