Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Your whole life

Yes that again your whole life and lifetimes for that matter your here to finish what you started so long ago to find peace of mind peace of spirit. One lesson after the next till you get it right then you can evolve back up the ladder what a fall we have taken such a long climb back so many life times so many levels so many rungs on this ladder oh my where does it end will it ever end yes it will but that is up to you my friends that is up to you! So stop turn around and start climbing back up kinda hot down there heh tickle your feet alittle I know I've been close enough to it I don't ever want to go back to that place ever again and you think you have night mares if you only new the horrors down there that's why I don't care much for scary movies and prefere to leave the light on at night thank you big sissy but If you seen what I have you wouldn't be laughing heh enough this is serious very important get it right it's your right to choose where you end up but I'm telling you that is not a fun place down there call me nuts but I'm climbing like a wild man because you never know when this ladder is going to be pulled up chances over sorry times up had your chance bye bye now take care yes climbing hard and fast my friends its that important! My crazy imagination maybe but I don't want to find out the hard way that these visions were real so there I'm happy with my life and hope you do the same my friends peace Jamerson-Rising

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Yes folks I'm going to borrow this saying please forgive me we are beings of energy and awareness. this energy which makes up matter vibrating at different frequencies has trapped our awareness some how using our spirit for their energy the matrix thing there he goes again heh. Prove me right prove me wrong no easy task huh even in nature the program is geared for violence. folks peace is the key its the way out of here forgive thy neighbor forgive thy neighbor remember that saying. He was right he was telling you the way out. I know my belief in the great spirit may seem at odds with christians but I know truth when I hear it my friends and this was a whopper heh the big mac super size it heh yes this was pretty heavy you are awarness and eternal you will never die your just stuck here like all the rest of us have faith and forgive thy neighbor and you will go free simple as that peace my friends Jamerson-Rising

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Don't force miracles

Yes sometimes if you try to change destiny to fast oh let the games begin.If it was meant to happen it will happen when the time is right! The more we push it will push back have faith and work towards your dreams build them carefuly and they will come true pressing on is different from pushing trying to hurry fate has its own time line keep the faith and keep trying it will come never give up on your dreams and if you do your part in building them they will come true I'm still learning this one. My dreams are starting to fall into place patience I'm learning this the hard way but the future looks bright if you believe in a bright future so keep your chin up stiff upper lip and press on your dreams just might come true. peace Jamerson-rising

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Journey home

I headed home in my old Chevy truck the first night of Feb snow on the road not to bad but just enough to give a beautiful effect on one's mind and soul very tranquil very serene. I was walking home through the snow after a long ride. The journey home many times I have traveled this path but tonight I was thinking is this life the journey home is this life the right path to get there is this snow falling a blessing from above in dream books snow is God's blessings like my dream with the blue atmosphere and the heavy snow falling as I walked to a house with golden windows A voice said time to come home I feel a change happening in my life a warm kind change I am hopeful this will be what I have dreamed all this year with my beloved we shall see! Journey home did you choose wisely with love and peace or did you chosse with anger and guilt how will you come home when the time comes. The journey my friends make it in peace and travel in love and you will be warmly accepted travel in hatred and the journey will be a very long fought battle to your salvation the road will wind and twist through lifetime after lifetime till you learn there's a short cut called peace there's a short cut called love and forgiveness this path will take you home to a warm reception and to the peace and love that has been taken away so very long ago. Journey home my friends and may we meet again someday peace Jamerson-Rising