Saturday, February 2, 2008
Journey home
I headed home in my old Chevy truck the first night of Feb snow on the road not to bad but just enough to give a beautiful effect on one's mind and soul very tranquil very serene. I was walking home through the snow after a long ride. The journey home many times I have traveled this path but tonight I was thinking is this life the journey home is this life the right path to get there is this snow falling a blessing from above in dream books snow is God's blessings like my dream with the blue atmosphere and the heavy snow falling as I walked to a house with golden windows A voice said time to come home I feel a change happening in my life a warm kind change I am hopeful this will be what I have dreamed all this year with my beloved we shall see! Journey home did you choose wisely with love and peace or did you chosse with anger and guilt how will you come home when the time comes. The journey my friends make it in peace and travel in love and you will be warmly accepted travel in hatred and the journey will be a very long fought battle to your salvation the road will wind and twist through lifetime after lifetime till you learn there's a short cut called peace there's a short cut called love and forgiveness this path will take you home to a warm reception and to the peace and love that has been taken away so very long ago. Journey home my friends and may we meet again someday peace Jamerson-Rising