Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Did you see them?

Did you see them. In the eyes of your children. Did you see your ancestors in your grandchildrens smiley faces. Did you see them in their personalities. Did you feel them in their little hugs they blessed you with. Did you notice their favorite foods and the way they eat. Did you see them. The departed will always walk with us in spirit but even more profound in the traits, actions and personalities of our descendents. I can see them and I can feel them. They will always walk with us beside us and in us in spirit and more profoundly and yes most profoundly part of their spirits flow into our descendents in many many ways so give them a hug for they will pass you on in many ways in their little ones some day. This chain will never be broken Peace people Jamerson Rising


Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Jamerson, How very true. Have a great day.

Jamerson-Rising said...

Good morning Lydia yes them little people have a way with bringing memories back to life don't they/ Have a great day