Monday, March 15, 2010

love and caring

I was going to ask the green man oracle about this one since he is known around the world since ancient times. Then that little red book I have came to my mind. You see I have a friend who is like a daughter to me who lives in San Salvador very far away and I have known this young lady for two years never met her except for photographs of her. So I asked the book what is to be come of us. I was a bit surprised by what it said. Well I will share it with you by Kahlil Gibran the prophet and I have his book I like his work well here goes and I quote (When love beckons to you. Follow him. Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you. Yield to him. Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you. Believe in him. Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.) Kahlil Gibran The Prophet. So true to love someone unconditionally knowing that this may shatter some of your dreams or hurt like hell but to love so truly is such a gift we have. Why do we ( like one young gangster said ) think up evil things to do. Their is more purpose to life yes of course but love when it hits is the strongest desire in the world. I make good money but my middle daughter struggles through life with a family of three. I could of wondered off and had a life of my own and saved plenty for the winter of my life. But you know I have stayed with her and saved my money just the same but to watch my grand kids grow with out the added stress of poverty and what to eat next. I have been rewarded with a full life with no regrets. Keep your families strong with unconditional love.Put bells on the babies shoes and hold them close. And if love does bite you can you really turn your back on it. Jamerson Rising

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