Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Spirit realm

Hello once again mind been wondering where are we in this spirit world are we in one of the border realms between evil and good. Are we in the upper levels of hell or the lower levels of heaven the crossroads or on a prisen planet going thru a probation the final judgement for our past crimes our falling from grace is this the rehabilitation of our souls our chance to change before this age moves into another age a new age of enlightenment wars are coming great destruction is this our time once again to evolve past the horrors of war to redeem ourselves to the rest of the universe or we that primative is this their way of humane punishment letting each soul evolve out of this lower life form getting off this rock is no easy task. Or were we meant to transform this rock to be a beutiful world one worth visiting. I beleave this world has been this evolved at this level many times before and higher evolved for that matter. I beleave we have wiped each other out several times before. We couldn't kill this planet even if we tried too but we could get very careless which humans are well known to be guilty of. This world could end our visit very easy and quickly if she so desired. Then this world would regenerate all over again which it has done many times in the past. We always seem to have a hand in it one way or another it's a wonder we are allowed to evolve here at all thats grace for you. Be more respectfull to this world and each other and maybe this time just maybe this age wont have to end so horribly so you see how important love and peace really is in this world its the only thing holding this fragile existance together for the world can hold her own can we this is the lesson peace my friends