Tuesday, August 14, 2007


My favorite life form in this world My friend put his arm around a giant redwood tree how noble how grand these ancient trees are I used to walk home at night or early mornings I would notice every tree I passed it was cold quiet dark yet these trees stood there watching silent seeing more then one could emagine I was in awe I would stroll by this one grove one paticular night I heard in my head here he comes then the wind started to blow gently and all the tree's started to shake as if saying hello yet am I going crazy yet I feel conneted at times the timing is to perfect In my dreams I hear indian music I see indians asking me to dance with them clouds talk to me in their showing language I wouldn't trade the understanding for any riches you could give me call me crazy yes indeed I love trees they are my friends on this mother earth they listen they see their roots go into the earth and touch nature on a level of love we can only dream about arms lifted up to the heavens dancing in the wind late at night helping to hold the earth together helping to hold the peace in ways unseen yes it's crazy talk of things unseen yet things in front in plain sight to the blind masses that roam this earh selfish uncaring unjust just roaming endlessly peace to you all I smile and laugh yes I am crazy but happy and at peace with my beloved friends them trees

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