Friday, November 16, 2007

Hoof in mouth

Ever say the wrong things oops I did it was horrible once in a great while I'll really say something dumb. Well it happens exspecially when one is upset don't assume things people I fell for this little trap the other day. Oh the monkeydance I had to do to get things right. I had to dig deep into my heart to erase what just came out of my mouth. This is no easy thing to accomlish. Well it turned out ok my pride was smacked but I deserved that one. Sometimes its better to keep the ole tongue in check there. Funny it doesn't take much when someone is upset to rub them the wrong way so try to be aware of how your friends are feeling I was getting selfish but I pulled out of this in the nick of time. Feelings where would we be with out them. I was breaking my own rules left and right I don't know what came over me just the fear of losing someone dear to me. Love strikes again I will be more aware of this from now on. Try not to assume the worst it almost always back fires and blows up in your face. In a few days the bandaids come off heh just fooling I'm alright just my feelings stretched alittle and it was all in my silly little head people don't assume. peace later Jamerson Rising