Thursday, November 22, 2007


yeowsers heh Folks I'm not a saint heh but i'm in good cheer this Thanksgiving I hope all my friends are doing the same. I've been off work a little more then a week now and believe it or not I'm starting to miss the place this is weird I have worked there for over 12 years that's a record for me but honestly I feel a change coming. I've been tight with my family and might not be hitting the grind stone so hard after the first of the year unless certain plans fall in place then I will be working like a mad man but if they don't I will try to enjoy life alittle more and not work myself to death anymore we will see. I have some ideas kicking around in my head love life going good I love her dearly always will be thinking of her first so this is where I wish to be and I am very happy with this (Love you babe!) oh the future who knows go where the money is or the go where you are the happiest in life my grand daughter is watching me write she likes doing that from time to time. I see a writing future for her coming up. This is way cool so work can be trying at times just save for the future work hard and make your dreams come true well I have go now turkeys calling my grand daughter says so peace people. later Jamerson Rising