Friday, April 18, 2008


Forgiveness people that's one of the many reasons that hold ones advancement back on this earth plain learn to forgive one another. Don't carry this burden in your heart on your back however you carry it. I have been talking about some of the books I've read and since I have the middle of the week off I reread one of them By James Van Praagh for those of you who never heard of him he is a medium who talks to the departed. His books are very interesting. I noticed many spirits ask for forgiveness many visit us all the time. Like angels. Forgiveness release these burdens from your past. See people this place some people refer to as summerland and many other names where the departed go. In the place of no time only love and abundance peace spirits have told mediums they have reunited with their lost loved ones. Everything they cherised that has passed was waiting for them. No need to talk one can hear each others thoughts but not being forgiven can hold them back as well as us. This is very important to know. There is lower levels where beings are all twisted living in dark shadowy places when they realize the truth spirit guides appear and rescue them. Please the more peace and love you can attain here on earth the higher level your soul reaches. James Van Praaghs book Reaching for heaven explains it quite well. The most beautiful colors sights sounds aromas await you. The goodness you share here on earth comes back ten fold and more. The evil likewise so please my friends be kind this is a beautiful world imagine the next. Is love and peace so hard to share with one another. I haven't been a saint all my life but before I do anything I ask myself is it right or wrong this has never failed me through my life when I did listen to myself, So being good is it right or wrong or being evil and dishonest your choice. Peace my friends. Jamerson Rising

1 comment:

Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Jamerson,
I've read up a bit on summerland. You are so right about forgiveness. I feel that forgiving others who hurt us, is a benefit to the person doing the forgiving. When we carry anger and have a continual need for revenge, all that person's doing is causing riff and trouble for themselves and others around them.
I do understand it's hard to forgive those who've wronged us and especially those who continue hurt us, but it's esential to do in order to get the healing process started, so the person who is trying to forgive can move on and leave that negative experience behind.