Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stars in the night

There was a time. I used to take the bus home very early in the morning. Walking home I had to cross a field which was a pararie dog town. They were all asleep on these cold winter mornings but the stars. So many of them. I would stand by these tall very old cottonwood trees and just look up. The air would be very cold n crisp. I loved it kinda serene. My imagination would take me back to a time before the machines came. To a time when nature was the only thing out here. The trees were very young then how many cold nights did they stand quietly under these beautiful stars and moon. So quiet so cold most people asleep in a warm bed wouldn't even think twice about the beauty in it. To see a shooting star make a wish hee. I have a lot of patience for the world for people. Everyone is in such a hurry nowadays. To be still and just admire the heavens on a cold winter night is my pleasure. Call me wacked in the head but my soul and my very heart have connected with nature have connected with the divine. I stood in awe standing next to a very large and old tree I loved to look at I patted his side in respect nodded my head and headed the rest of the way home through the snow. I could feel a ancient wisdom deep in my soul. People have lost this yet some still have it . They are the ones who seem to be able to plant anything and what ever they plant grows like crazy. These people still are connected. Stay warm at night my friends the world can be dangerous at night and I wouldn't want you catching a cold. Peace my friends Jamerson Rising


Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Jamerson, I love staring at the stars. In the summer me ans my hubby will share a bottle of wine by our fire pit and stare up aqt the cluster of stars in the sky. when me and my hubby first met I remember camping in Truro, Cape Cod. At night we use to pack a bottle of wine, a blanket and head up to race point beach to have a bon fire, sip on some wine and stare at the beautiful stars gistening in the sky while listening to the ocean pounding onto the shore. God I miss those days. Have a great day.

Jamerson-Rising said...

Hello Lydia you are so right. These moments are indeed special. That sounds so romantic. I love the night and the woods. Firelight is so magical at night in the woods. looking up at the stars behold the awesome beauty. yes my dear friend. You are so right.Have a beautiful day now Lydia.