Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Walk the fence

Yeow Mr Jamerson I know where did this come from. Hee well I see patterns in the way people situations and just plain life. Well enough riddles. Did you ever have two friends or groups of friends. I Had some friends a long time ago when My first wife and myself lived in Germany. We had two sets of Friends who did not get along. Every week end they would both ask us out. See the trouble is we all worked at the same job. Oh the tug a war that we had to endure. It is so frustrating to walk up on the fence and not just jump into one side or the other. Now the same situation rears its ugly head. I just go on being friends with all. I have been through this lesson before and failed miserably. So myself I believe words are a form of magik. I tell my friends please don't speak ill of each other words have a way of waking the dead and other spirits. This can cause trouble. Have you ever heard someone speaking bad about someone then wham their gone. Our time on this green earth is so short watch the black magik. Yes fate listens. I seen to many times such talk ended in disaster. I usually keep my mouth shut for the world wouldn't believe or understand such rhetoric even if it slapped them up side of the head. So I tell my friends please don't speak such evil to me. I am friends with all and I won't take sides. I value friendship more than disharmony with this world see we are all connected. On a deeper level we are one spirit and what you do unto others you do unto yourself. So if this flies over the cookoos nest so be it. Hee Folks value each others frienpships and be a peace. Jamerson Rising

Friday, July 25, 2008

Two steps forward one step back

Oh yea folks that has been the story lately. Does it seem like when you move forward something happens and you get knocked back a little in the day to day drama of our lives. Well hit life with all the gusto you can muster and the two steps forward will make progress. In this you will continue to move forward. Take heart I write in another place on the internet which is called ( for those of you who love writing. My stories do pretty good but once in awhile I don't get rated very good. I read the other stories and take another run at it. I have two gold stars so far and I'm in the top seventy five percent so I am happy I keep looking up. People dear people look up forward never look down or back. Like a baseball player swinging his bat look how many swings it took to get them home runs eh. Never give up if it is your passion I was looking at my stories the other day when I noticed my worst story was one of the ones that sold and one of my better stories sold twice. Yep beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. So take charge and go for it what ever it is you do in life embrace this passion with all you got and it will bear fruit. Two years ago I wasn't even writing now I fell in love with it all over again. So get up and get going. Your destiny awaits. Peace people Jamerson Rising

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Did you see them?

Did you see them. In the eyes of your children. Did you see your ancestors in your grandchildrens smiley faces. Did you see them in their personalities. Did you feel them in their little hugs they blessed you with. Did you notice their favorite foods and the way they eat. Did you see them. The departed will always walk with us in spirit but even more profound in the traits, actions and personalities of our descendents. I can see them and I can feel them. They will always walk with us beside us and in us in spirit and more profoundly and yes most profoundly part of their spirits flow into our descendents in many many ways so give them a hug for they will pass you on in many ways in their little ones some day. This chain will never be broken Peace people Jamerson Rising

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where are we going?

Where are we going? This world is getting crazier by the day. I see many people playing this game of life so well just enjoying it to the fullest. Then I see people that are just falling apart at the seams. Madness people killing their loved ones for what because the bills have became unbearable. Their mates sleeping around.Why I ask. Just why is the world so screwed up. Technology! But we need technology but there is a high price to pay with it. You see a even higher form of technology designed this reality. Yet it will take many lifetimes to perfect this soul. Holding the soul was easy but keeping the body going that was easy for the ancients too. In biblical times mankind lived hundreds of years. Yet something reset our internal clocks to about 120 years but we are fighting a foe who is very sly. They have poisoned what we drink what we eat and what we breath. All this artificial junk we are putting in our bodies shortens our lifetimes. Now they are trying to destroy our freedom by destroying our way of life. Our economies. Get to know your soul in this they can only mess with the cloths on your back so to speak they have yet to destroy this spirit. The body can be tortured ravished just plain murdered Yet your soul the essence of who you are. This they cannot touch they can hold it for awhile. But they cannot keep you. Your soul shall progress till you leave this set of cloths this container and walk free. You spirit will evolve back to its former glory before the fall before the great war in the heavens. The sheep shall be brought home again. We will evolve back to our former glory. I say again. There is a great effort being directed to mankind to slow this process and to dull our minds and senses. Let the worlds problems go find your peace and rise again. This is a illusion to hold your spitit here. This is a very well thought out trap. But where are we going. We have to prove ourselves worthy to get there. We have to be pure enough to walk past the eagle and not be devoured. I know I am talking in ryhmes but people take care how you treat each each other and what comes out of your mouths please shun all bad thoughts. In this you will get there rising to the higher levels of spirit. If your lucky you might come back to this level but if your not the lower realms are a horrible place to be thousands of life times you could be stuck down there. To a hell the worst of this world would pale in comparison. Your worst sorrows,pain even loneliness magnified 1000 fold. The great spirit is calling you why do they treat each other this way? So much to lose in that dark road spiraling downward. This pull of sin is great. Let the troubles go and rise let the anger go the hate the jeolousy. Reach up and feel the spirit lift you. You are on a ladder with flames rising higher by the second climb my friends find your peace and climb. Jamerson Rising

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Day dreams. Wild imaginations where do they come from. Imagine all the phone and radio frequencies in the air at one time. Voices unheard words unseen. Is it possible. To tap into this? Ideas from out of nowhere. Trillions of words floating around at one time. Answers questions and words of passion oh my. Hee. What is in the air. Now the other side. The voices from the past and the voices from the future. It's all out there. Yes even from the departed. The mind is powerful transmitter and receiver. Futuristic robotics at its best. Don't laugh when you die you shed your body like old cloths this space suit from the ancients fashioned to hold your eternal soul. Designed from God himself! What model did you get. Every one grows the way the soul wants them too. For what ever reason they have chosen to experience this walk through this reality. A clean slat perhaps to prove they have really changed soul and all. Will you prove to be enlightened and rise to the next level. Are you a phony and a con at heart. With no memory of the past your true colors will show. You will be what you are. Thankfully you can change all this for the better. We are not pulling the wool over the great Spirits Eyes! Perish the very thought of it. We are here to redeem ourselves and to move forward or backward. The crossroads! People please turn to the right and climb. Back to the heavens. Back to a place we originally came from. Back home. This is a very beautiful world our dream it's what we make it. We are dreaming all this. It's our creation from the almighty. This mind is looking at the strands of energy. This painting. This picture with all the sounds sights and smell. The touch and the flavors to taste. Through this suit that we will throw away some day and return to spirit. This suit given to us to experience this divine world. Wow what a day dream I was riding the train again. My mind wondering once again in that faraway land called daydreaming. Looking at the landscape and the mountains what a beautiful playground a school a storybook and look what we have done to her. What story did you dream up Hee God passed out the crayons and created this color book what life did you color in it did you use the bright colors or did you grab the black and gray crayons. Wow when I dream I really go way out in left field. Now my train comes to my stop and I see all the people again on the street some in bright cloths work suits some in rags living in the street. Careful what colors you put in your box. Careful what words you speak to one another. Careful what you dream! Spirit will give you every thing you wish. I would grab the bright colors if I were you and make a wish! May your dreams come true. Jamerson Rising

Friday, July 4, 2008

Where doe's it end

Folks I don't like doom and gloom stories but we are headed for some really big challenges coming up in the world gas is spiraling way out of sight food shortages. weather getting crazy and much more. Jimmy Carter was right back in the seventies he wanted us not to be so dependent on this oil. Now look what's happening. They won't admit it but we have reached peak levels in the oil wells and we are using the oil up fast. back in the seventies they thought they had more then they do. Well look where we are at even if we drilled off shore and used what we can get too. The amount of oil this world consumes each day is staggering. We would run out in less than a year. Back in the seventies ounce again Texas was drilling like crazy. You see when the wells start to get empty it costs a lot more to drill and get what is still in there out. We need to change our way's and quick. My dear friends find ways to survive on as little money as you can. Learn to grow your own food as much as you can. It's going to get rough this winter with the shortages. Take heart though humans do find ways to get through the worst of times. We will find better and cheaper ways trust me humans are like that but sadly we always wait till it's almost to late to wake up. Forgive me for being so blunt but it aint over till the fat lady sings. Some people think it's to late now. I don't believe this I feel yes we are getting dangerously close but there is a way and we will find it we just have to wake up and wake up soon. So start saving and finding ways not to be so dependent on oil. As for my self I still have a truck but I only use it in the winter when the weather is really bad. I like walking and taking the light rail to work. But hey it takes forever to get to work. That's ok I do some of my best writting on the light rail and where I work I can ride for free. Please people find the ways. Look at Brazil the don't even use oil much. they switched over to making their own fuels out of crops they grow. We can do things like this too! Save and prepare for the worst and it won't be so bad so get ready. We will make it but we have to put our minds together and figure this out fast and I mean fast. Good luck. Peace people Jamerson Rising