Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Your kidding

Ever here of an old wives tales about seeing a white spider then getting lucky and finding money. Well last year I saw one then quick in a flash it was gone and I came into 1200 dollars the next day. Well I don't think it is always money like yesterday my PC blew up and the washer broke last week my furnace went out. Well now I saw a white spider on my desk and when I went to catch it it was gone. Then I checked Craig's list I found two washers and a free dryer. And the land lord finally replaced the furnace for 1200 dollars two. I never found the spider put this has happened so many times it feels like a good omen well now. this is a strange world indeed and the people took our old washer and traded that for a refrigerator that they needed. You know what goes around comes around and if you help someone just tell them to help some one who needs it that has always been my way and you know what. I get through life quite fine with this. So with that it's late so give them little ones a hug and put bells bells on the baby's shoes and have a good night. Jamerson Rising

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