Monday, December 14, 2009

Family trees

I was looking at my family tree on ancestry dot com last night out of curiosity I was looking for my uncle and I found where he was buried but I also found a man with the same name who died on the same day in the same state just born on a different day. hmm I also noticed a lot of my family had birth days close to each others like a few days apart but different years of course fascinating. Then I looked up my name wow so many and the creepy part some of them even have the same birth dates hmmm I wonder where my social security number has been. Well so far the bank accounts safe haha. You can even find peoples social security numbers in there now that's scary. I spend a little time adding and searching for my ancestors. I have found so many people and I get hints in there which helps a lot. Amazing how large a family is when you can see the branches of your tree spread. Wow I love history but I was really Impressed how big it has grown in just a decade. They have free trials that you can build what you know. I find it a good pass time there is a lot of other family members of mine that have trees of their own. Now they can look up mine and see who there cousins are. It's a small world some times. So many of the Native Indian side has been lost but the Portuguese's and French side was interesting one of my ancestors came up with Cortes he was a lieutenant in Cortez's little group. Another was Mangus Coloradas he was the father in law to Cochise. Rebels, pirates and a lot of good honest people too! Not all bad. Families are fascinating some even have photographs that people have provided. My sister scoffed one time at me needless information but to me it was a whole new world. Good luck if you ever try to find them. Jamerson Rising

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