Monday, February 1, 2010

Piggy bank

Kids you can tell allot about how they will be when then get older from the things they do like another story off my little ones in another blog that I wrote. Well I'll spare you the details on that one. Now my grand kids are always getting into my change and the middle granddaughter angel has a eye for the Britte and pretty and, and coins too future husband beware she has the looks to get the job done too. Hee She can't hold on to money if you glued it her hands so I gave her the first piggy bank made in Mexico a beautifully hand made one. What pretty colors the designs on it had. Well she filled that little pig up in two weeks flat haha but that sneeky grandfather dirty little trick there is no way to get the money back out. She learned how to save the hard way haha. now the little grand daughter got hers a bigger pig looked like Arnold Ziffle hee she ran into her brother and dropped him. He lived we glued the ear back on. She now puts her money in it and dosen't touch him any more and oh yes Charlot's web not Arnold i'm told by Guilianna hee. Now the Grandson who didn't get one. I finally brought him home a great big burro also made in Mexico beautiful art work. He broke the head off trying to get his deposit back which he kept tract to the very last penny in three days flat he dropped it trying to get a refund haha head broke clean off but now glued back on. What old grandpa see's is the oldest will break his bank every chance he gets the next pretty little girl will get money easy and fast with them pretty looks and spend it just as fast if she can. Now the little one who I caught using my computer in my room as I was waking up. she was checking web pages for her favorite kids game which she found she looked like a little banker as fast as she had that mouse working I was thinking but she's only three and a half!!! My have the times changed . Well her pig is filling up slow but steady and safe. My bets on her she gets to handle my money when i'm to old to think about it anymore hee. She's just good with money she would save it and hide it allot like me but she don't spend it just on anything hee but she's only three and a half!!! mind you. Goodness this still amazes me. And as for the second piggy I told her I could teach her how to save her money hee hee sneeky grandfather ha. The things they do when they are little if you have the eyes to see it will tell allot about their future. Take care now hug them little ones tight put bells on the baby's shoes and keep an eye on them and they will grow up just fine. Jamerson Rising

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