Saturday, January 15, 2011

But I needed that

Hee hello folks ever need something and find yourself giving what you need away crazy huh well my daughter and her little family needed a car. My old chevy is getting old and in need of a few repairs there I was with money in hand. Then that voice again Jamerson my grandkids need it more then me hee so i can wait another payday. I,ve been sick for two weeks walking taking the bus when the weather was very cold strange I like walking in the cold kind of humbles my mind and has a calming effect on me not recommended for people who feel the cold easy stay warm by all means. But this winter I noticed a lot of people getting sick please stay away from junk food and sugar like soda pop all designed to make you ill. Good food and lots of rest and exercise too keep it balanced I strayed from this and became ill. Guilty yes shame on me. So this new year stay healthy and help each other out don't be selfish. giving is a blessing! Oh and I was happy to see my daughters family in their near new saturn runs great you never know in this day and age transportation is a must when you have little ones to care for. Have a great year Jamerson Rising

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