Monday, August 15, 2011

Feeling trapped

Hello again people my good friends. I injured my leg at work a few days ago. I had taken this week off. Now I do feel trapped today I can barely walk. Funny when I can walk I don't even miss doing things but now that I can't walk I seem to reflect more on what I'm missing out on. This is like being in a bad relationship where the significant other has a little fit if one even thinks about going out and enjoying life. But on the flip side of the coin I was working way to much and hardly sleeping at all. I tried to slow down and rest I took some time off but I missed my breaking point by one day bam there I was with one good leg but hey like I said on the other side of the coin I can study for some tests I want to take and write alittle more. Its good to slow down once in awhile and rest. It is hard to get untrapped when you are in a committed situation like raising little ones I know I'm on grandkids now and there is a lot of good I see coming out of this if I look at it with out being selfish! Thats the trick you see is finding the good in it to find what you can do with the time you do get off. I might even practice alittle day dreaming to visualize some thing fun see the brain can't tell if it is real or not so you get some of the benefits of the real thing. Try it with something you want to do see yourself doing this ten mins a day after a few days you might surprise yourself at the improvement you achieve. So if your feeling trapped don't dwell on it there is ways to free your mind in a peaceful way to better yourself. I know it sounds easy but it really is if you learn to let the stress go. and with that I wish you all well and good luck Jamerson Rising

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