Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weathers changing

Hello folks it is that time of the year the weather is changing fast like summer trying to hold on but old man winter keeps getting closer and stronger brrrr weathers changing and for some the wind too. Do you ever feel like another cross road in your life is coming up the wind changes direction yet this time you notice it more. That is how I feel last year was a bad year I got so sick now my leg is having a hard time I wonder how this year will be. In my own way I have been getting ready for a career change there's a few other things I would like to try before I punch the ticket haha but till then best to keep the day job well I work grave yards in and out in the weather all the time. It does take its toll. October and halloween one of my favorite times of the year with lots of memories haha yea now I feel better. This economy is pretty scary pay yourselves first and keep at it hard because some day that is all you might get the way they keep finding ways to tax or savings. Making your own retirment plan is a must and time is growing short like the seasons do the seasons the year the seasons of or lives and the big scary one the seasons of the human life cycle yes we are headed in the winter of it hang on and soon we will be born anew if we survive it. Think ahead dear people common sense and alittle faith and you will be alright Jamerson Rising


Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Jamerson
Sorry to hear our leg hurts. I hope it heals soon.
The weather's changing here too. It was cold during the weekend, but just yesterday it started getting nice, sunshine and mild. I think it maybe our Indian summer here this week.
Wow! You work C shift! I did it for about 6 months back in the 90's. I couldn't take it anymore and quit. I was always exhusted.
Wishing you a wonderful autumn afternoon!

Jamerson-Rising said...

Hi Lydia my pc crashed bad and I lost my comments and my son inlaw had to reprogram all the drivers back in what a mess.I have worked that shift for about 8 years now hey it's snowing in the mountains maybe rain this Saturday I'm happy to see you back online again enjoy the Indian summer wishing you a beautiful day!!!