Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shaking trees once again

Hello folks I hope you are all doing fine. I missed the last bus the other night so a short quarter mile to the next one I saw another fellow worker so off we went down past some old trees I know close to the stop when we were under a great big old cotton wood tree the branches started shaking hard upper wind you say hee the trees next to him they weren't shaking at all my friend didn't even notice in my head I said hello and the shaking stopped and I could feel a great rush of peace go through me a trees way of greeting one who can listen and hear with the feeling. You see this has happend to me before once in a field I was crossing I wrote about this in a earlier blog. This field was full of crows or ravens catching grass hoppers when I came upon a dead one laying there upon the ground I said a small prayer just a bird you say well then I noticed the crows all around me like they were listening out of respect I nodded and walked away till I was under another big tree and it started shaking no wind just shaking. Another time I used to walk down this other street past a line of young trees call me crazy but one snowy night while walking very late at night I heard in my minds eye hee ok ear here he comes and there I stood in wonder as the whole line of trees were shaking. I tilted my head and gave a bow call me crazy but the shaking stopped and another rush of what I call a feeling of recognition and a grand hello. My imagination gets the better of me at times but truly am in awe when I experience this you see my friends we are in this together you me and mother earth, nature. And all we do is eat eat eat dig dig dig and use up all the resources without even a thankyou just munch munch munch oh she will get tired of this and clean house so to speak. Listen to nature around you and feel her in the cool breese at night enjoy the sunhine eat of the abundence this world has to offer and mind your manners. We are guests to this word and her patience is runnng out with us!!! Jamerson Rising


Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello jamerson
How cool and interesting! I've never experienced a tree shaking.
You have ravens in your area? We don't have them here. Ravens are in my medicine wheel. I've gotten my medics wheel done two times and in both the raven card showed up.
Have a great day!

Jamerson-Rising said...

Goodmorning Lydia Yes I didn't notice at first till one quiet night in the cold stillness of winter I could feel it overwhelming it was so strong. Now I don't care what the world thinks I know we are connected big time with nature and I go on happy in this. And them old Indian ways their world didn.t or their ways didn't destroy mother earth I have great respect for this and my ancestors rest in peace my beloved people. Have a great day my friend