Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Old man by the road

Hello folks long time since I been in here. I'm still walking on one leg while the other follows haha. But I'm getting better. Now I have a respect and love for trees I know so many that I have taken walks just to see them. On my way home at night I would walk by them and stop and just admire them I really like trees. Well now a few years back I was reading some of my books on the celts religion when I came across the green man. The faces in the trees spirit leaped out at me that's what I was sensing while I passed by a few old friends. There is this road I will travel for about close to a mile with trees that line the road farmers used to plant the trees like that to break the wind from blowing away their farm land. Well now I started and not here but I started looking for the faces in a tree low and behold they would jump out at me and with a great sense of hello you finaly see me. Some bashful ones stay hidden for awhile call me crazy again being touched I experience such weirdness as normal in my life haha. Any way there I was one cold afternoon when once again I stopped to nod in respect and have a look one face I could see right away then the third tree over there he was looking at me like an old lion his face as big as mine his eyes nose mouth eyebrow and hairline all in purportion and life size wow I need a camera what a find. I was test driving a bus that night I stopped and opend the doors and tried to show my friend but he couldn't see it. Haha he didn't have the right medicine or majik so to speak he couldn't see the shifting. My friend the old tree didn't trust him cameras can catch this like ghosts. People don't believe in such things. Like the gnome I saw in the woods in northern europe that was back in 1978 one spring morning but that is another story we don't walk this realm alone my friends. Lock me in the nut house haha I know what I seen and there was the old king trapped or just enjoying the day in the sun as real as can be. Just a week before I couldn't see him now every time plain as day and a feeling of hello I get when I pass. They cut down a very large tree next to my home she was over thirty years old I could feel the sadness in the trees around her. I know another beautiful spot in this forest where the trees form a circle and if you stand in the middle as the the sun shines in close your eyes and see n feel the red orange glow and send your spinal cord into mother earth and let your spirit flow to the heavens and release all the troubles up and out you will walk away feeling very energized crazy old me does this once or more a week. I actually feel all the trees reaching out to me like a big wheel as we embrace the Great Spirit of us all I imagine my self as a tree for a moment and just feel the sun the breese and the birds around me a very peaceful moment then back to reality. We as humans have lost this peacefulness so long ago. so sad I try to hang on to mine no matter what the naysayers say I'm at peace and shall pass through the fire unharmed when that time comes be in peace my friends Jamerson Rising

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