Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lonely place this world

Hello folks loneliness in this crowded world how can this be. I  found myself in that bottomless pit Found myself  with one fractured leg with two torn ligaments and the other leg with one torn ligament ouch couldn't walk on my own for at least ten weeks' Yes life sucked for old Jamerson Everyone wouldn't help almost lost my home my job friends disappeared  real fast. But I found a few new ones around me that I never noticed. Look around you who is real who is not. Well enough boo hoo ing I got back up bought my place thanks for being a miser all my life went back to work lost 35 pounds and still losing more every day. The sun is shinning once again so I thought. Seems the only real friendly people are the ones who would like to have a hand in your pocket. Like a famous comedian once said (Tell me if I lie.)  Hee Time to get in the old Merkaba and ride haha I'm serious really see its a way of meditating picture yourself inside a triangle and another triangle around you also but upside down now picture them both spinning two different directions at the same time.  Good yes I know I'm cracked  now listen run an imaginary cord from your heart chakra to your third eye and let the love flow. See the trick is raising your vibration from the lower chakras use your heart to forgive every bad thing that has happened to you in this life it hurts like hell I know but listen it is not real it is yourself fighting with the ego to not merge back with yourself. Mankind has twisted this one simple truth we are never alone we are creators very powerful ones indeed we are one with every thing but this loniliness is just a illusion of being separated from God the Great Spirit when you fight others you fight yourself. Like I told my six year old grand daughter one morning she is a little drama queen at times hee she was having a bad morning so I said use your happy powers hee she gave me a funny look crazy old grand pa any way never triy to reason with a little one but some times they listen I went on to tell her you never see me upset and I usually always have money. See little Guilianna I'm smarter I know how to use my happy powers and not let what other people ruin my day.  Because i'm smarter then that I laughed when she smiled and laughed  
 She went through the rest of the morning with that silly grin. Ok knock it off that's enough haha of course I didn't say that. Learn to be the master of your emotions your  happiness. and things will come your way in the most profound ways that you can imagine. But you have to work at it hers only lasted for a day hee. Thats kids for ya Well now look at the time you see folks try changing your world from the inside out trust me on this. Have a great day wishing you all well  Your friend Jamerson Rising

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