Tuesday, August 21, 2007
It is said all rivers go back to the ocean like dreams up in the clouds up out of the sea float around in the dream world then down into a alittle stream flowing always to something bigger. Through many lifetimes always learning and moving on to the next level some make it some don't. Back to the ocean some dry up and start over again. Always swimming up stream just go with the flow let your evolution of spirit open like a flower transforming like a butterfly. You are almost there this is the last gift these gifts of life times. Don.t wast them nothing is forever. Don;t be hoplessly lost in the cosmos enjoy merge back with spirit take nothing for granted tast the good in this world shun all evil that's trying to pull you out of the water. Be happy start the transformation and good things will start manifesting in your life and those around you will notice the difference in you. Your world will start changing. So much in a year no one will recognise you. That river of life always changing getting fuller drying up at times don't dry up stay full of life let go of the negativity and drink as much of this magic potion called life love is sweet hatred is bitter you poured it now drink up enjoy peace my friends