Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Wow watch out for incoming rocks heh people quit tripping this week I've seen so much cheating backstabbing sniching jeolousy you name it we got it going on chill folks take it easy will ya heh I know here Jamerson have a sip of your own medicine there bub heh quilty too yes yes. Well my last writting I wanted to say ever try to cut the darkness you can't you can turn on the light can't be divided can it silence can't be divided your soul aha ha ha and aha again can't be divided before you string me up in a noose for being a sorcerer answer me that will ya. If you can't divide a soul energy in its many forms is a manifestation of the light this soul which can't be divided we are all the same soul the same you me auntie mae heh I've lost my mind when I seen this. I no longer have a fear of death all of a sudden what ever happens to me it's just matter changing but my soul is part of every thing it can't be cut divided destroyed fire away I will be back again been back before good life bad life I will make the most of each and every one heh because I know it's all me i'm all you heh hang me dosen't matter I'm just part of your dream I'm not real heh o ya can you see it now the dream baby the dream of the planet. So my beloved friends please don't beat your selves up stop and enjoy what this manifistation has to offer who knows whats next that too there is no time no past, present just now like a cd it can be accessed all at the same time it's a illusion the soul is here now always has been this dream so chill enjoy the ride can't be divided later my friends. Jamerson Rising