Saturday, October 27, 2007
Full moons
Ever notice when the full moon comes around things go wacky. yesterday things were chaotic looking for a huge rock to hide under chicken heh well the storm isn't over yet upheaval seemed to rule the day. Folks just grin and bear it. Mechanical things go wacky people expecially get frustrated and yes some do go looney. Now it's the calm after the storm. What a mess its like the forces of evil are dukeing it out on another plain fighting over the gateway to this dimension. If you only knew what was being held back the guardians of the gate are working over time the evil is building and the age is going into darkness keep your lights bright your souls that is we need all the help we can get. for when this passes and it will pass a new and beautiful age is coming but the night after this. Is very dark so keep the light on so to speak and it won't be as bad. moons you can feel when they come full its crazy especially when you work around machines and people such as I. But when you know what's up you will be fine just watch the circus clowns get all worked up heh Yes I slipped again and I was doing so good. remember keep your cool its just the moon. peace people Jamerson Rising