Sunday, October 28, 2007
Twist and shout
Demons look out my friends. I was riding the trains again. I see the people coming and going in their faces I sometimes see a demon twisting and shouting them in anger drunk high whatever the case may be. For instance yesterday I went to work one of my bosses was there. He was arguing with a friend of mine a fellow worker I walked in and my friend was starting to yell back at him. He was sitting and I put my hand on his shoulder and he twisted and looked up at me with wild eyes thats when I noticed the demon in him hence twist and shout. Now where was I o yes the look in his eyes wild demonic I said his name he yell'd I'm talking to him I said I know and I said his name again then I said be calm and I winked at him like good ole Jamerson knows how to do I said again be calm said his name again and watched the demon depart him then I walked out of the office he came out later him and my boss talking like old friends again. Demons I see them every where people yelling on the phone with one another demons tickling their feet pinching their nerves. You can see there faces contort with their anger pain from way down deep in their past come bubbling up faces twisting in pain anger red hot people let the past go forgive it let it go and these demons will have less of a grip on you. be aware you really can see them in the faces that wild look of fury be still be calm dont't invite them in what so ever be strong these demons are running every where especially around the holidays be still be calm and they will pass by you looking for lunch heh don't let it be you. heh peace later people Jamerson Rising