Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Our walk through this life time simply amazes me. How did you find me I have asked myself when I meet a new friend in this vast world. I have met complete strangers and felt like I have known them all my life.I have recieved phone calls and found myself racing someone to the hospital in the middle of the night no complaints here. Friends what a great gift in this life. Just to know there is such a thing as love kindness and friendship still exists in this vast oceon of emotions this dream is it hell or heaven your dream. Friends help make it heaven on earth for a friend a true friend will never turn their back on you will share their life with you to laugh in the good times and cry in the sad times it's all there folks it's all good. It was part of the gift a most precious gift granted to us long ago this dream of the planet. Dream a good dream walk in the light of happiness and love forgive wrongs done to you and hold your friends close. Friends what a presious gift in life. peace my friends Jamerson Rising

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