Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My goodness

Where has the time went. Hello again I was so wrapped up in the Helium.com website I really havn't made time for this one. Time to get a camera and liven up the place. There's so many colors this time of year so rich and beautiful. Holidays are coming try not to stress out people Me included. Meditation is going good I met some new friends and found a very special one I thought I lost there for a moment but do we really lose good friends or chase them away. Friends goodness that's what lifes about. Contract on my job might be ending in 11 months time to prepare. I seen it coming two years ago. Been saving like a little chipmunk hee. As in life save for the winter time of your life. Things change slow but when they do wham it feels like over night. Think ahead allways like planting crops you learn to see farther down the road. Don't be blind open them eyes and embrace life to the fullest and prepare for the harvest. Keep two or more skills you have sharp and you should do well and whatever your passion is the way to go. For in doing this you will feel more alive then some dead end job less of coarse this dead end job suits you fine then by all means embrace it to the fullest after all it's your life. So hug them close put bells on the babies shoes hee. (need to keep tract of them at all times) Have a grand holiday my friends Jamerson Rising.


Meaghan said...

If you like coffee you need to get in on my Giveaway! To celebrate the launching of my online coffee shop, Get The Bean,I am giving away 1 pound of coffee (or chai or herbal tea if you prefer) every Friday in October. To enter visit:


If you are interested in a chance to get money for the cancer charity of your choice for an entire year go to:


Or just visit our site:


Jamerson-Rising said...

Hello Meaghan I wish you the best of luck I love coffee and tea's. Thank you I will do that Have a great day. I will visit your blog soon. Good luck.

Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Jamerson,
I'm so glad your back blogging too. I know that it's easy to get caught up in in other things.
Thank you for coming by my blog!!!!
Have a great weekend,

Jamerson-Rising said...

Hello Lydia welcome back too. I really like your blog you have so many reat recipes. Have a great day my good friend.