Friday, October 21, 2011

Great Spirit show me a sign any sign

Hello folks wow long time since I been in here I wanted to share this strange things a foot again! I awoke a few days ago after having a very vivid spiritual dream I will shorten this a bit I was standing on a river bank in the mountains talking to another spirit guide looking at this very awesome powerful river of blue green water so wide so powerful so real I could feel the power once again I was in awe then I awoke enough said on that feel the awesome power now back to reality I was waiting for the bus yesterday another tipical day right so I have been checking on stocks to buy when one just jumped out at me well It won't leave my mind I have a feeling this one will be big. So there I was still thinking about it when I closed my eyes and said Great Spirit of us all please show me a sign any sign if I should invest in this stock. I thought next show me something purple I like purple this will let me know. Well my bus showed up and off I went now I noticed everyone on the bus was wearing black gray, brown maybe even dark blue even the little ones hey was I on my way to a funeral? Ya think well just a few seats left on this extra long articulated bus and a young very beautiful blond latina woman got on and walked straight over to me and sat down. Now strange thing is people don't usually sit by me. So I looked at her for a split second now this bus was all decked out in drab dull colors mind you but this young lady was wearing bright vivid colors you guessed it a purple bright shirt pants and shoes all in purple I smiled but in my mind my jaw dropped to my shoes hee I looked out the window and the sun was shinning in fact it looked like it was a picture framed centered in the window like it was and I heard a voice in my head say now that's a sign for ya Jamerson And off I went down the road with my mouth still hanging open. You see never be afraid to ask for help!!! Jamerson Rising


Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hi jamerson! How neat! We do get help from above if we really want it.
Have a great day!

Jamerson-Rising said...

Hi Lydia Yes I beleave we do have a beautiful day!!!