Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Back n forth

Oh what a way to live torn between the comforts of home and true love.This happened many years ago to a friend of mine (exept this was no true love by far torn between a relationship of fighting blaming instability moving all the time loss of work the problems manifested in so many hardships but they stuck it out and are both very happy and as miserable as can be. Quirky heh sigh that's life for ya. Well back to my point she asked me if it was possible to love two people at the same time. I said yes very much so but in doing so you will hurt more than one in the end someone always gets dumped and this is what make these kind of situations so un unattractive. So painful to go through. And with having said this I picked up the pieces of my heart which were laying all over the floor by then gave a silent blessing and headed down the road. Years later I would still get these little phone calls please come back. Folks I couldn't I wasn't important enough back then why would I be now I had to say no I'm truely sorry. years later the same scenario the same pattern again with a twist thrown in (true love) a very strong true love my mind is all twisted my emotions in the same predicament I feel I have found my other blessed half I will always love her no matter where life takes her for I can never not love her the feeling is that strong. And with this I go through life rejoicing for to find your other half with so many people on this planet is amazing and with that I will always love her no matter what no matter where we go or where life takes us so people beware where you fall in love tread carefully! But true love it finds you for it is searching for its other half which was torn in half so very long ago when you find it your heart will dance and you will once again believe in eternity for love never dies if it's true. An when you do find it your soul will reunite and you will walk back into the light whole again. So true love can't go back n forth if it's true. For love this is eternal. peace people later. Jamerson Rising


Why I couldn't answer that one very easy. I stopped to get gas in the old chevy one cold night at 2Am in the morning said hello to a old friend of mine she grabbed me in a bear hug and planted a really big kiss on me. We are just friends and have been for years till a old friend I used to go in there with died very sad I seen this in my head the day it happend heard the crows yelling at me that morning he died. Well I still say hello from time to time she said she just got out of the hospital (I sensed she was sick all this years) I asked are you ok she said she was still getting treated for cancer. My heart dropped this is the second good friend who has had cancer I really am sad I sent her some healing energy her kids and husband must be going through alot of pain right now. I really feel it when someone close to me gets really sick I could feel the fear and sadness in her to know she is dying it was like she was saying goodbye. I lost my grandfather to cancer and a few other people in my family this really sucks. This world is so busy cheating each other and going to war they know how to cure cancer but won't show the average person this. It made me very sad I get this way when I lose someone close to me. Thats one power I only channeled through me a few times to heal someone but I can't do it at the spur of the moment oh I wish I could heal my friend I can only send healing energy towards her and hope for the best. Another long cold night alone my friend is out of town I miss her dearly life so precious please be kind to one another You never know when their time is close or up you just never know when it's your time. peace people later. Jamerson Rising

Monday, November 26, 2007


Comes in many forms touch sight sound feelings. I have meditated to the point that I'm starting to sense a alternate reality madness maybe a heightened sense of awareness hard to describe I talk to people and here them thinking I think of people and have visions of them it's getting to point of creepy yet It doesn't bother me I try to turn it off sometimes because certain things I really don't want to see are know. I was walking through the woods the other day when I realized someone was staring at me I looked and I saw this little mouse jump into a bush I didn't see or hear him at first I felt the shock and fear then I was aware of him. People don't let such things trouble you when you get into meditating for we are all connected and when you open up this third eye you will experience this alternate reality I will call it that for now. Me and my middle daughter used to call it radar I feel change before it hits I tend to isolate myself when this time of year rolls around I was born on the first day of winter physic's have did my charts and told me my aurora is double what they have ever seen which blew them away. Lately the dreams and visions have been getting stronger a lot of drama in the world going on I am going through another change another level shift so to speak Hang on Jamerson the road is opening up and changing direction again. This road is different scary but I have no fear of it I see a lot of traveling coming up and my world as I know it coming to a end I am now aware of the reason for hoarding so much money. My journey is starting I have very far to go deep into the Andes or India a few other places It's starting to materialize in my mind I will know when the time is right for I hear it calling me I keep fighting it. Madness has set in when other beings come to talk to me dead people speak to me I really start to question my mind I don't feel insane just highly connected I am holding on for now but something has definitely changed please don't judge me Holding this form is getting increasingly difficult in this age I see the signs all around the war in the heavens is getting closer people please try to calm your minds for this is the only way you can really fight back or save yourselves. I'm not really allowed to say to much so I will cut this short for now peace people later. Jamerson Rising.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I love the stuff even though I work outside quite a bit especially when it gets cold. Snow how beautiful it looks when your nice and warm. How cruel it can be when you are not.We Have four short little seasons here in colorado and this one seems the longest. I love winter but I feel for the poor people stuck out in it. Winter the cruelist time of the year oh what fun driving to work or anywhere for that matter.Just going for a simple walk takes a little more planning and hopefuly one dosen't get sick. I like watching the snow come down and if I'm dressed warm enough I like to walk in it especially at night when it's so tranquil and dark. I love trees and they just stand there and take it. They're trees thats what they do heh. What a hard life they have yet they grow and show their beauty. Now animals thats a different story the ones that can head south run. Some people do this too. I always wondered what it would be like to work up here in the spring and summer then head south for the winter. When we were kids we couldn't wait to get out side and make snowmen or build forts and have snowball fights angels on the ground we couldn't get enough of the suff. I was watching my second youngest grand daughter two days ago crying because she just had to have a snow ball she's almost two now heh yes the terrible two's bless her heart it was so funny the determination she posseses when she puts her mind to something I marvel at this one all the time. She seems to know where she is going in life and how to enjoy it the fullest each step of the way. as for me I'm getting older now and I feel the cold a little more each year of my life that passes by. I hold up pretty good still but by March this stuff is starting to get old again. So if you are nice and warm have some hot chocolate sit by the window and enjoy a nice snowstorm sometime they really are awesome. As for me I probily will be enjoying it up front and personnal heh. I still love the stuff Like my dearest said the other day we are both snow babies and she's right funny how women are always right or they better be! heh just kidding so wrap up warm and have a nice hot drink and enjoy another one of natures awesome displays of power at work and with that I wish you luck and happiness. later people. Jamerson Rising

Thursday, November 22, 2007


People chill out! Ever notice the older you get holidays are nice and when you are little they are fun to spend time with your cousins but when you are in your mid twenties it seems like alot of drama and depression luckily I enjoy them now but for me when I was younger I would always lay low and keep to my self or work why I don't really know. It was really hard back then to just chill and enjoy life so much going on people running around all stressed out I wonder how I made it thru them years. Finding peace can be so hard at times especially at this time of year. Iv'e changed so much I even scare myself sometimes but life is better just trying to plan for the future if that is really possible now these days so much going on. There is so much good that can be done in the world but people are just to plain greedy they just won't let it go when it comes their way they hang on to riches when the rest of the world suffers So sad try to find your inner peace this has helped me so much and yes I have fallen down so many times. I try not to trip over this I just live and let live and be in peace hope you do the same peace people. Jamerson Rising


yeowsers heh Folks I'm not a saint heh but i'm in good cheer this Thanksgiving I hope all my friends are doing the same. I've been off work a little more then a week now and believe it or not I'm starting to miss the place this is weird I have worked there for over 12 years that's a record for me but honestly I feel a change coming. I've been tight with my family and might not be hitting the grind stone so hard after the first of the year unless certain plans fall in place then I will be working like a mad man but if they don't I will try to enjoy life alittle more and not work myself to death anymore we will see. I have some ideas kicking around in my head love life going good I love her dearly always will be thinking of her first so this is where I wish to be and I am very happy with this (Love you babe!) oh the future who knows go where the money is or the go where you are the happiest in life my grand daughter is watching me write she likes doing that from time to time. I see a writing future for her coming up. This is way cool so work can be trying at times just save for the future work hard and make your dreams come true well I have go now turkeys calling my grand daughter says so peace people. later Jamerson Rising

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mankind makes all the rules

Mankind makes all the rules Or does he. Heh certain rules set in stone truth love karma o yes what goes around comes around. Man kind tries to manipulate all of these putting ideas like fear, hate deception in your hearts a whole long list of sins and yes the very concept of sin itself. The lie first whispered so very long ago when we were taught the magik (yes dear private little correction there) sorry people. Now where was I oh yes taught the magik of words language and let the games begin and their off the race has begun. Wow look how much good and evil has spread across the land with this new understanding we didn't read the fine print here. So does man kind make all the rules they wish they try to twist and turn every little thing for control. The fat get fatter and the poor get poorer. A vicious cycle of greed suppression and control when this planet could easily feed every one on it and there are lots better ways to manage pollution now is there. With these rules we will end up killing the whole human race and it all goes back to that first lie the knowledge of words. The use of good magik or of the black choose well my friends because they can't try as they do they can't change karma and it's coming around fast. Sad why so many have to suffer at the hands of so few. Peace people later Jamerson Rising.

To good to be true

Folks there it is. To good to be true staring you right in the face! Help gulp heh people the spirit is full of abundance the spirit is good kind loving. To good to be true. Look at it this way. Try keeping (the true good!) See spirit only knows good. What isn't good is just a deception and if you are in tune with the spirit so to speak you will be able to feel the difference very strongly. Keeping the good is the trick it's there it just needs watering with lots of good old fashion love and kindness on both sides it's not hard to hold onto if both sides believe and have faith It's tricky waters when one is untrue but when it's real this rarely happens. A copycat imitation kind of love is short lived and won't last all the trials of life it will fall flat but truth will always endure so look deep inside of your heart and if you can your very soul if you can find it this is the trick to find your self so you can feel and see the difference when it does come into your life. I know I'm still waking up to mine but I will be honest and frank here I have a long way to go I have just srcatched the surface but I feel it getting stronger every day. I feel it calling me so wake up people! to yourselves and change this (to good to be true) to what I will call just plain (good to be true!) the difference Is how you look at it and if you have the patience, love and understanding to discern the real from just plain old desire. Keep the faith people peace my friends Jamerson Rising

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Hoof in mouth

Ever say the wrong things oops I did it was horrible once in a great while I'll really say something dumb. Well it happens exspecially when one is upset don't assume things people I fell for this little trap the other day. Oh the monkeydance I had to do to get things right. I had to dig deep into my heart to erase what just came out of my mouth. This is no easy thing to accomlish. Well it turned out ok my pride was smacked but I deserved that one. Sometimes its better to keep the ole tongue in check there. Funny it doesn't take much when someone is upset to rub them the wrong way so try to be aware of how your friends are feeling I was getting selfish but I pulled out of this in the nick of time. Feelings where would we be with out them. I was breaking my own rules left and right I don't know what came over me just the fear of losing someone dear to me. Love strikes again I will be more aware of this from now on. Try not to assume the worst it almost always back fires and blows up in your face. In a few days the bandaids come off heh just fooling I'm alright just my feelings stretched alittle and it was all in my silly little head people don't assume. peace later Jamerson Rising

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Heh my friend made a quip the other day.. Whitless minds of management I was awe struck I made a quick note of this heh. Once again I'm being tested it seems right before the holidays people get to acting alittle quirky I call it. The things they come up with simply amazes me. Personnal note ( I thought I was crazy) Sorry boss not you higher up heh just goofey. A very good idea implimented at our work wearing vests while moving around the lot cool this will save lives yes absolutely but then they came out with carrying a little book which if you noticed a insafe act you can go to that person request his book right him up and turn the white copy in the yellow copy it seems will be a reminder of what he was doing wrong heh like he will forget you after this. Well folks these people have simple minds not all of them mind you but enough of them to revert back to kindergarton oh let the games begin. Heh I will have plenty to write about now I can see it now I aint giving up my book then the little snitch bless his heart was only looking out for your best interests we are being programed for the hive mentality soon these people will create a mindless class of worker drones who will beleave anything that is wired into their daily lives. This seems to be the future. I see the writing on the wall people what can you do cameras everywhere people watching your every move. At least I still have my mind and a place they can't reach me when I don't want them too. But so many people don't have this ability sad. What kind of life is this always watching your back being controled in what you think and do what you have where you live. Keep your peace people they will kill people for speaking out eventually I see it coming find your inner peace and ride it out change always comes unless you are one of those destined to make the change and spirit does pick such people. As for me I have said my peace and in peace I shall try to stay. I will change for this future to survive but I will keep my inner peace. later friends. Jamerson Rising

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Doubt entered my mind like a old adversary on a cold winter night. I tried to keep him out. Eventually I kicked him out had to do alot of meditating and having faith in my love. This was no easy task life can be difficult at times. Faith in one another the trust the love can conquer all obsticles in your path. Take heart don't fear the worst for being brave and being right you hold up your end of the bargain. If it it turns out bad thats life another lesson but if it turns out right you build trust and go to the next level. So when your faced with doubt beleave in yourself and your friends for they might surprise you and pass the fire the test and you will feel so much better not having wasted all that energy worrying about nothing. Always try beleaving in the good first and reap the rewards and if it turns out bad give a silent blessing and move on. So be strong and don't worry if you can make it better there's nothing to worry about and If you can't change it then again why worry for nothing. Be at peace in your mind and have faith in youselves there's always is a solution. But a worrying mind will be clouded and hard to see the answers so be at peace and clear the fog right up. later people Jamerson Rising

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

From father to father

Oh yea deep in thought once again. Thinking about my sons , my father and my grandfathers lessons learned we don't see the wisdom of our fathers till we walk in that time frame at the moment they went through when we were little or when we were teenagers then young men with a new family then it starts repeating then we see with new eyes of wisdom we feel what its like to have the shoe on the other foot then understanding of why our fathers did what they had to do becomes clear then we get older and we learn what our grandfathers went through. We see with different sets of eyes through the for seasons of our lifetimes.Very deep this realization. I have alot of respect now then I did when I was younger I hope you are listening young people this realization is coming. Life so many levels to behold don't waste it on petty things. Enjoy life take heart live for the moment enjoy I wont take this from anyone life is to precious to short I let love live in my heart I don't judge people anymore I respect their right to live their lives the way they want too and I share my love when I can for I'm just passsing through I don't own people I'm free of these misconceptions live and let live. I stay happy. So have alittle respect for one another and don't trip just live and be good to your family friends and the rest of this word. peace people catch you on the flip side later. Jamerson Rising

Walk to destiny

Oh this walk seems so futile at times. I'm alone in thought at times but my spirit is alive I'm keenly aware of spirit this walk through this darkness has tought me to percieve a illusion to reality oh the lessons in life one must endure people I see the simple to the complicated. I am keenly aware when something isn't right. I'm no mere human madnes has set in though I choose to follow the path of understanding the path of peace the path of harmony. This not the path of sadness or regrets alive in its many twists of fate. Are just experiences to my walk side paths ones that pop up from time to time where they lead who knows this is no sadness no bitter denial of love I'm past that I live for the moment. When you love have love in your heart a whole new reality awakens I send a special blessing to the who the why in these lessons of life there is no disappointment no jealousy no anger no hate no sense of loss heh I would of loved thee anyway these vibrations are loosing there grip apon my mind the chains of the ego are weakening I am rising like my last name madness only follows in the name of peace I look back with a smile and my eyes are on the future of my destiny I have work to do the destiny is upon me unfolding in it many forms at a incredible rate hard to keep up the great spirit didn't give me much time I know this so I press on many souls to awaken. It's very hard near impossible to walk beside me cool take heart. It's just the experience the walk to your destiny. Enjoy the moment have love in your hearts peace in your minds. People get so wraped up in the drama thrust apon them they can't think clearly. Take a deep breath and repeat I love thy self and with this I shall love the world and my world will be love to me no hate no sadness regrets just simple love of life love of experiences let go of this bitter trap of ones soul reconnect to spirit to love and let your soul fly free awaken your souls to this reality not the illusion that is fed to your mind listen to your souls people that small quiet voice this inner peace just waiting for you to unlock I gave you the key now use it! and be free heh see simple. Simple truth love uncondictionally love in harmony be at peace in your minds people later Jamerson Rising

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Wow this is a tough one. Emotions wonderful feelings when in love or among good friends. A fire storm in the mind hard to put out. Pain anger sorrow the mind stuck on replay dragging the rest of you along for the ride out of control thoughts going crazy. What a design why who how what sorrow joy heaven hell levels many many levels deep shallow. That blue feeling that just lingers for days or waves that keep crashing you up against the rocks leaving you sleepless exhausted. Emotions your friend your worst enemy. My only solace for my mind is meditation. As for my heart talking to my closet family or to my friends alittle but the power of the little people. the younger members in your world bring so much laughter they lighten the heart. But that special other person is what one really needs I try to be strong I'm a loner for the most part then I met someone I felt that special magic that a relationship can bring into ones life like a strong addiction hard to see clearly. Love the greatest emotion of them all it heals it inspires but a cruel lie a devious plot to make us beleave it hurts causing us despair. Be careful for love is none of this true love is knowing in your heart that you love yourself loving the rest of the world is tough but love is pure it doesn't judge it rejoyces it only sees the good in all. If something hurts change it. If you love yourself you can love the rest of the world. With love comes great responsibility oh yes friends guard your love keep it free don't put conditions on it love to love don't judge be at peace and the doubts the jeolousy the sense of loss will all dissapear. This is a grand illusion folks set up to trap us here in this sea of emotions is your sea calm or a great tempest. Find peace in your heart let go with a blessing things that trouble you things that vex your spirit be at peace keep love in your heart and things will get better. It's all in your mind stop beating yourselves up so bad this was meant to be a good world. Emotions find love in you hearts for all and emotions will be good ones rise above petty vibrations and a whole new world opens up and you will see your true destiny before you. peace people later.


Riding home in my old chevy truck. I was facing the rocky mountains sun barely coming up one of those mornings when one just wants to ride contemplate I was looking at the mountains and I remembered the way the mountains looked on my mothers last day. My hats off to you great spirit for that was the most beautiful morning I have ever seen the mountains had a light blue atmosphere very tranquil then the sun started to come up and I kid you not the mountains looked pink wow what a picture I thought My mothers beautiful spirit returned in the most beautiful morning I have ever seen she laid in a bed thirteen years couldn't speak or move my pops bless his heart and soul stayed by her side every moment they used to fight all the time but when she needed him he was there for her. The love that man showed I have never seen before. Till this day I am in awe. Love people. Share love with your mate. I love remembering when I was little. My grandmother my mom and my aunts would grab me out of all my cousins to help make choke cherry jellies tomales too. I was a good listener. Was picked to go help pick chiles choke cherries they would go pick pinions memories flooding through my mind. Mountains standing there silent whitnesses the trees the very sun spirit all around. Just passed the mexicans day of the dead. My love and blessings to all the departed I havn't forgotten any of you I miss you all. Spirits all talking at once please I love you all. They come to visit me at strange times just to say hi to encourage me call me crazy but I know when a spirit is showing me love angels dearly departed souls. I can sense them feel their love sometimes their touch and yes I've heard my name whispered things moved about. Ghosts visions I just open my arms and give a blessing thanks for remembering me heh. People we are not alone we are all connected I can't describe it I can only feel it and send love back. Memories idle thoughts or a loved one sharing a happy moment. peace my beloved friends later

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Dancing leaves

I was sitting on the porch today just watching the leaves in the very top of the trees they all looked like they were dancing in a light fall breeze waiting for their turn to return to the earth. time to end and start anew then it hit me from my earlier writtings I said cycles not circles then wham it's staring me right in the face like the very heavens were showing me this one Jamerson the circle of life do you see it now I stand corrected so profound from seed to a beautiful green leaf to a old but still radiant golden color leaves dancing in the light waiting for the right breese to carry them away then back to the earth and the life back to the spirit. I need to ease up on the gingsing tea there. heh I'm not right all the time. I see the signs in nature all the time. But this one was showing me something very important life my friends how precious how short take a deep breath and live and be thankful for the next dance will be yours and off to one more time around dancing with the wind the spirit the good earth the sun and everthing else this world has to give. peace my friends

New beginnings

Wow I feel reborn I just went through a period of intense emotions. Sun came back up and I feel great .Life plans back on track and everything is falling back into place. I still have a ways to go or should I say we have a ways to go. Heh A new beginning. Years ago my first wife threw that little quip at me caught it too right in the forhead bang here you go dummy. I was so young selfish uncaring foolish too big dummy. Heh well I matured alot since then learned alot. New beginnings wow the feeling of starting something new. I wish I could bottle this stuff I'd make a fortune. Yeseterday I was blue but fighting back. Today I am on top of the world. Now I'm not manic depressive heh goodness perish that thought. Just ole crazy Jamerson in love you big goof heh. thinking dreaming making plans for the future It's very good to have one again I can't wait. So don't ever feel down or lost stay in the positive. And before you know it wham right in the forhead big dummy heh ok I'll stop. It's all right here you just have to reach out and find it. Grab and hold on to it. It can get pretty crazy at times but the special times and very special times is what it's all about people. Alittle tear here yes big dummy I had to learn the lessons so long ago to live today with someone very special now big tear people remember these lessons and watch n feel the love grow! peace my beloved friends

Friday, November 2, 2007

Roller coaster

Hang on here we go again rolling up slowly then wham down we go screaming this road of life never ceases to amaze me. Wow so much going on all at once I found my mind doubting my beliefs my friends whats happening someones trying to disrupt my concentration or find me. I recognize the feelings. Meditation time to lay low and be at peace makes it very hard to read you when your vibration is in the peace mode anger is heavey and can't connect at this high a vibration when I came out of it. It was gone so I sent of a txt saying sorry for doubting. this ride has many twists and turns but my faith was really tried but my way of peace proved to be the stronger force which I am full of energy can't sleep. meditating for that long is like sleeping for a few days at a time. Spirit is that powerful So when you find yourself at the top of the hill getting ready to fly down the other side hang on and try to find some peace quiet time to yourself you can't help everybody all at once and I had forgotten this my friend I'm truly sorry I was selfish when your plate is so full right now. Try to get some rest find some quiet time and peace. Soon things will fall in place. peace people

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Black n white

A dear friend of mine said of her ex boyfriends bad habits. He said it was a balance of good and bad. Hmm well folks he's right if you want to walk that road sorry to say. See the great spirit will spit you out if your vibration is heavey or should I say densely weighted down with dark matter and what does weight do to lighter objects. That's correct junior woodchucks (sorry) it drags you down oh yes down so I hope you don't travel that road in life. And if you do best of luck to you. I feel when you even think ugly thoughts. It's on people. This is a cunning trickster your up against be wary be peaceful be loving of life he hates this. He will throw all kinds of fun at you if you want to play little mr tipster on a pole he will teach you how to balance real good then (my turn) and before you know it all kinds of wierd things start happening in your life. He will beat you with that weird stick punch and judy round n round had enough oh no we are just getting started. Some people end up with lots of goodies for being wicked but in the end time to pay up in the lower realms and pay they will. So friends all this needlessness can be avoided live in peace think good thoughts let the sun shine on you. I have a very good life and it's getting brighter with my new love. people leave the gray areas and head back to the light time to wake up and come home. You will have a better much better life for it see spirit can only accept that which is at the same vibration as itself or it won't blend back together. So be at peace and harmony with yourself and you will get there don't beleave the lie that you can't make it. For you are divine and very capable too. peace people later.